Community, Integration, Discord, Assistent.
Whats is CIDA?
CIDA is a Discord bot still in development, made for server management and community moderation. It provides support for Discord servers making it easy to manage functions inside the server.
It works by integrating CIDA to your server as a bot, and with only a few commands You'll be able to manage your community without even need to access the options in the server.
Pokedex Command
c!pokedex @user
A simple command that displays information about members as a Pokédex. Really good for community interaction and to let members guessing what type would display in their Pokedex.
c!pokedex @user
Mute Command
c!mute @user
A powerful and quick command to mute those Who are causing any problem in the voice chats.
c!mute @user
Kick Command
c!kick @user
A command that allows you to quickly remove those Who are not respecting the rules or causing any problem.
c!kick @user
Ban Command
c!ban @user
The most powerful command, it quickly remove and prevent those Who are causing problems from rejoin the server, by adding them to a ban list.
c!ban @user
Purge Command
c!purge number
A helpful command to clean message spams or any other kind of repeating message you wish.
c!purge @user
Streaming Alerts
CIDA also has a notification function to alert when someone in the server goes live. CIDA sends a message in a custom text channel to alert the members when their friends or favorite streamers are going live.
![](/cida/images/stream alert.png)
The Creator
Rondnelle (Mr. Fox)
Font-End Developer
"I've created CIDA initially as a personal project, in order to teach myself how to use JavaScript in other kind of projects, such as a moderator bot for Discord. But then I decided to share CIDA with everyone, because I believe the purpose of knowledge is only achieved when We share it with the community."